Custom Settings

Global Settings

Add entry to Student Contact Log tab (Student Information > General), when a referral is created. When this option is toggled on, the following message is created on the student’s contact log at the time a referral is created: [SWARM] A referral has been created for this student. For more information, please contact your administrator.

Display additional staff field on referral NOTE: If this is turned on, only staff members identified on their district assignment for SWARM will display in the drop list. If a district would like to use the additional staff feature within SWARM in order to associate staff other than social workers to a referral so they can either view and make notes on it, this toggle should be set to “on”. Any specific staff member that should be selectable in the additional staff section should then have the “SWARM additional staff” box checked on their Infinite Campus district assignments tab (this step may require help from your student information system coordinator). At that point, the employee’s name will be a choice in the additional staff field for any referral created for the school the staff member is assigned to.

Send emails and process alerts to additional staff members when added to a referral, or with the creation of new feedback
Additional staff members will be notified by email and on the opening page of Infinite Campus under either circumstance.

Send emails and alerts to the person who created the concern when the status of concern is changed
Whether a concern is converted into a referral or closed, turning on this setting allows the creator of a concern to be notified of its status change

Make “Referred By” and “Relationship” fields required
When this setting is toggled on, referrals being created will not be saved unless these fields are filled.

State Reporting: count all referral reasons
Toggle this option to the “on” position to count both the primary and any secondary referral reasons for Student Record.

Dropdown Options

This section of SWARM settings allows users to customize the dropdown list categories found in different areas of SWARM; to specify how -- and whether -- those categories should be reported for student record; and for referral reason types only, to create additional questions based on the initial reason selected.

After initially navigating to SWARM > Settings and opening the dropdown options section, the referral reasons list will display. Here, existing referral reasons may be deactivated by switching the toggle button from “show” status to “hide”, then clicking the “save” button at the top right of the screen, at which point the reason will no longer be selectable when a referral is created. In addition, the way each referral reason reports for student record can be chosen by using the dropdown list on the right, which contains all reporting option types for social work cases. The SR mapping fields do not have to be selected in order for SWARM to work correctly; however, they should be set in time for student record in order to be reported.

Additional referral reasons may also be created on any dropdown options page. At the bottom of the page – beneath the last of the reason codes – press the “add” button…

…and a dialog box appears that allows for the following entries:

  • Option Category, where the user selects one of the SWARM areas into which they would like to insert a new dropdown choice
    • Referral Reasons
    • Concern Reasons
    • Agencies
    • Referral Actions
    • Relationship
    • Dwelling Codes
    • Homeless Reasons
    • Contact Type
    • Contact Made
    • Activity
  • Option Name, a text field that allows you to type the display name of the new dropdown choice being inserted into the category chosen above.
  • SR Mapping allows the user to preset the way the new dropdown option will report at year’s end for student record. The section is optional when creating a new dropdown option but should be configured in time for student record if the category should be reported.

After the “add” button is clicked, the new dropdown option will display on the list in alphabetical order…

… and there will be a choice for the new referral reason type when creating or editing a referral:

Specific to the referral reasons area is the ability to create sub-options for any reason type. When referral reasons containing sub-options are selected during creation of a referral, additional fields display allowing the creator of the referral to answer further questions.

To create a sub option, click the “sub-option” button next to the appropriate reason type…

…and the following dialog box will display. Users are then able to ask a question within the sub-option using the text field at the bottom of the screen. In addition, one of four distinct option types may be chosen from the “type” droplist.

Text allows users to answer the question written in the “name” field (shown beneath it) by typing the answer in a text box when creating a referral.

After clicking “add suboption” in settings, a reason type of “bullying” will appear in the following format when a referral is created or edited…

…and the referring social worker will be able to type in the answer:

Back on the dropdown options for referral reasons in SWARM > Settings, the sub-option button now displays in green along with the number “1” to indicate that – for any referral containing a reason type of “bullying” – one additional question will appear.

To add more sub-options or to edit the current sub-option for bullying, click the “sub-option” button. Another dialog box displays:

As an example, perhaps this SWARM district wants to narrow the answers users input to this question so – after initially creating the question as a text field – has decided to revise it as a dropdown list. In that scenario, the current text option may be hidden by sliding the “show/hide” toggle to the “hide” position and clicking the “save changes” button. Then, under “create new suboption”, change the type to “drop down” and add as many choices as needed as the answer to the question:

After the “add suboption” button is pressed, the question will appear as a droplist allowing for a single response when creating/editing a referral with a reason type of bullying:

Upon navigating back to the dropdown options area of SWARM > Settings, the list appears with a number “2” on the bullying sub-option button (despite the original text field being hidden from active use).

To create another option for this referral reason, click the “sub-option” button again and the dialog box appears. This time, the district has decided to create a date field -- as seen in the “type” droplist – in addition to the existing sub-option in order to specify the date of the bullying event:

Following the creation of this sub-option, the bullying referral reason contains both additional questions:

The final type of referral reason sub-option is a multi-select field. With this field, a user can choose from a list of preset choices…and can answer using as many or as few choices as are listed. To set up this type of field, click the sub-option button pertaining to the appropriate reason type…

…and the dialog box featuring all active and hidden sub-options for that referral reason displays. In this setup, the school intends to replace the existing dropdown list with a multi-select list and has hidden the dropdown option:

After the “save changes” button is pressed, the dropdown list is hidden. In the “create new suboption” droplist, choose “multi-select” and add as many responses as may be needed for this option type:

When creating a referral with a bullying reason, the two additional fields on display are a date box and a multi-select field. Both the text field and dropdown list have been hidden:

Please note that referral reasons are the only SWARM reason droplist type allowing for suboptions. But other SWARM droplist types may be edited in this section by toggling the reason type to be edited, as seen below:

The following table lists the available options for each droplist category:

Reason Type Add/Hide Reason List SR Mapping Sub-Options
Referral X X X
Concern X
Agencies X X
Referral Actions X X
Relationship X
Dwelling Codes X
Homeless Reasons X
Contact Type X X
Contact Made X X
Activity Name X X

Concern Settings

In this section, districts are able to change the default warning message that displays at the time a concern is created, as well as determine whether the district keys in the reason for the concern using a preset droplist, a text comments box or both. Changing the dropdown type in the "concern input from user" area will change the display here, and – after the "save" button is clicked" -- make the change effective when users create a concern.

Examples --
When configured in this manner, users creating concerns will be able to choose from a droplist and add text comments:

In this setup, users will select from a concern dropdown only:

And when set in this manner, the only reason option when creating a concern will be the comments box allowing for text input:

District Instructions

This area allows districts to provide detailed instructions to SWARM users beneath specific header sections within SWARM. For example, by adding wording to the “duplicate referral” text box, as seen below...

...the duplicate section of a referral will contain those instructions:

Dashboard View

The default view for all SWARM dashboards – referrals, concerns, and activities – is to display all available columns. Districts have the ability to reduce the number of columns that displays on any dashboard by navigating to SWARM > Settings > Dashboard View. In this area, districts may choose to hide certain columns on a dashboard. As an example, districts that do not use the “alternate social worker” field when creating a referral may decide to hide that section of the dashboard, which by default will display in the following way:

By navigating to the dashboard view for referrals and toggling that column off…

…the dashboard will appear in this format:

Similar options are available for the concerns dashboard…

…and for activities:

User Settings

This section is used to determine the level of access an employee has to SWARM. To create a SWARM user account, first select a school from the Infinite Campus dropdown list for which the employee has a district assignment. (Please note: employees must be assigned to at least one location in IC at the time their SWARM user account is created, as pictured below. Following creation of the account, the district assignment may be removed if the staff member isn’t actually assigned to a school.)

Next, navigate to SWARM > Settings and click the “user settings” option, which will then open this section of settings. Click the “add user” button.

From the next screen, click the “users” droplist to choose the name of the employee requiring a SWARM account: 

The person creating the SWARM user account then chooses from a series of toggle options:

  • View Others’ Case Notes allows staff members that are able to see other referrals to also view the case notes contained in the referral, unless marked “private” by the case note’s creator. (Note: the Referral View All option must be toggled on when this setting is on and is described further below.)
  • Admin Tools gives users’ rights to see everything in SWARM. Specifically, users with rights to admin tools will be able to archive concerns and referrals, change the owner of any concern or referral, view all social workers on the social worker overview report, and change the status of any referral in the transfer portal.
  • Concern Message, Concern Process Alerts, Referral Message, and Referral Process Alerts send notifications to the assigned social worker when concerns or referrals are created. (Note: the “message” option sends email notifications, while the “process alerts” option creates a notification on the Infinite Campus opening page immediately following login.)
  • Referral View All, Concern View All, and Activity View All create a toggle at the top of the appropriate dashboard screen when these options are turned on. SWARM users will initially see their own cases but will have the option to view all referrals, concerns and/or activities using a button – such as the one below for referrals – at the top of the dashboard.

  • School List adds a user’s name to the “primary social worker” dropdown list for any schools added to this area. To add a school here, click the box beneath the “school list” title, and select one or more schools the user should be assigned as a primary social worker. Or click the "select all schools" button to make the social worker selectable as a primary at all district schools.
  • Alt School List adds a user’s name to the “alternate social worker” dropdown list for any schools added to this area. To add a school here, click the box beneath the “alt school list” title, and select one or more schools the user should be assigned as an alternate social worker.

The configuration below depicts a user who will be able to see all referrals at his assigned school – even if created by another SWARM user – as well as any case notes added to the referral, unless marked private. The user will receive notifications via email when a referral is created and assigned to him. He will be selectable as a primary social worker when referrals are created at Ridgemont High School, and as an alternate social worker for referrals created at Interchange Middle School.

Once created, accounts can be edited by clicking the name of the employee under user settings…

…at which time all options may be modified. Please note that removing a user from a school list will not remove him or her from any referrals currently assigned as primary or alternate social worker, but will affect the cases that can be assigned to the user going forward.

Group Settings

While User Settings grants individual access to SWARM, the Group Settings area permits rights to entire user groups within Infinite Campus. In order to assign SWARM rights to a user group, that group will first need to be assigned tool rights to SWARM in Infinite Campus (Read/Write/Add rights to whichever modules the group should have access to, as depicted below.)

Following completion of that step, the SWARM administrator can click the “group settings” option under SWARM > Settings, which will open that section, followed by the “add user” button.

Next, click the droplist area beneath the “groups” header to choose the user group requiring rights to SWARM.

The person creating the SWARM group account then chooses from a series of toggle options:

  • View Others’ Case Notes allows groups that are able to see other referrals to also view the case notes contained in the referral, unless marked “private” by the case note’s creator. (Note: the Referral View All option must be toggled on when this setting is on and is described below.))
  • Admin Tools gives groups’ rights to archive concerns and referrals, change the owner of any concern or referral, view all social workers on the social worker overview report, and change the status of any referral in the transfer portal.
  • Concern Message, Concern Process Alerts, Referral Message, and Referral Process Alerts send notifications to the assigned group when concerns or referrals are created. (Note: the “message” option sends email notifications, while the “process alerts” option creates a notification on the Infinite Campus opening page immediately following login. For messaging to work under group settings, a group member must also have an account created under user settings, as well. )
  • Referral View All, Concern View All, and Activity View All create a toggle at the top of the appropriate dashboard screen when these options are turned on. SWARM groups will initially see their own cases but will have the option to view all referrals, concerns or activities using a button at the top of the dashboard.

Unlike individual users, SWARM groups are unable to be assigned either a primary school list or secondary school list.

Once created, groups can be edited by clicking the name of the group in group settings. In the configuration depicted below, the group will be able to see all referrals, concerns, and activities at the schools for which it has rights, but not any case notes when added to a referral. The user will not any receive notifications.

Mass End Date Tool

The mass end date tool exists to close all concerns, referrals, and activities that may remain open after the state reporting window has closed for the year and before the new school year begins. To start the mass end date process, open the "mass end date" pleat in SWARM > Settings and click the "continue to mass end date tool" button.

From the resulting dialog box, enter the date before which all SWARM concerns, referrals, and activities should be closed. Click the "end date" button.

A warning message will display. Click "OK".

The user will be immediately returned to the SWARM > Settings page and will receive the message, "mass end-date successful". Any concerns, referrals, and activities created prior to the date selected are now closed.

If you have additional questions, please contact us:
By Email:
By Phone: (706) 520-1125
A representative from our support team will respond to you as soon as possible.