Version Changes

Version 1.4 - 1/15/2024

  • General
    • State Reporting changes for 2023-2024 have been updated.
    • Homeless and Foster Care fields have been updated
      • These can be now enabled or disabled from the Settings page, which will hide all Homeless and/or Foster Care related fields throughout SWARM (including Student Overview and Subpoena printouts).
  • Referral Details
    • Homeless/Foster Care information is now displayed by hovering over the icon next to the homeless field, which will display additional information about the student’s Homeless or Foster status (See image below).
  • Referral Dashboard
    • Dashboards are now sorted by student’s last name, then first name, by default. All filters and templates still function as they previously have.

Version 1.3.2 - 4/02/2021

  • Activities
    • Added new activity type “staff”. This activity type allows for specific staff members to be recorded as present without requiring an activity group.
  • Concern Dashboard
    • Added ‘race/ethnicity’ column
  • Referral Dashboard
    • Added ‘race/ethnicity’ column
    • Increased the character count allowed for Case Notes to 2500.
    • Users with admin permissions can now manually change the status of transferred students.
    • The ‘SW Transfer Portal’ button has been renamed to ‘SW Assignment’ to prevent confusion between this feature and the process of transferring students’ referrals.
  • Settings
    • The settings page has received a significant visual change to improve user experience. Functionality has remained unchanged.
    • Added the option to make the Referral summary a required field.

Version 1.3.1 - 2/01/2021

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed issue where some students’ referrals could not be transferred through the Transfer Portal
    • Fixed inconsistencies in a student’s displayed grade within SWARM after rolling students to the next school year
    • Fixed issue where an empty Reason and Dwelling Code were causing referrals with a 'Yes' homeless status to timeout: these fields are now required when selecting 'Yes'.
  • Reports
    • Added the ability to view an ‘All Schools’ version of the Homeless and Sub-Option Reports
  • Misc.
    • For customers using ETCH, we have added the following custom errors to our DataMate module:
      • Homeless status N in SWARM, but Y in Campus
      • Homeless status Y in SWARM, but N in Campus
      • Open referrals with no activity for 14 days
      • Open referrals without Actions Taken
      • Open referrals without Case Notes
      • Open referrals without Feedback

Version 1.3 - 12/03/2020

  • General
    • Several dropdowns were adjusted to display their contents in alphabetical order.
    • Fixed issue that was preventing PDF reports from generating.
    • Transferred referrals will no longer appear on your dashboard.
  • Referrals
    • Added a message reflecting the student’s current Homeless status inside Infinite Campus.
    • When selecting “Yes” on the “Homeless?” field, the user will now be required to fill in the Dwelling Code and Homeless Reason fields before the referral will submit.
  • Concerns
    • When converting a Concern to a Referral, a list of the student’s current referrals (if any) will be displayed.
  • Reports
    • *New* Calendar Based Reports - All reports now respect the selected calendar year inside Infinite Campus, where applicable.
    • *New* Homeless Report - This report displays all students who have had a referral marked “Yes” under the “Homeless?” section, as well as the primary social worker, Homeless Reason and Dwelling Code for those referrals.
    • *New* Sub-Option Report - This report displays allows the user to select a Referral Reason, and see all answers to the sub-options associated with that reason.
    • *New* SW Records Request - This report displays information about all concerns, referrals, and activities associated with the selected Social Worker.
    • The Referral Reason Count report now allows the user to run the report for any reason; previously, it could only be run for Primary reasons.
  • Settings
    • *New* Counselor Contact Log – added an option to decide if an entry should be made in Infinite Campus under the student’s Counselor Contact Log: this toggle can be found under Settings > Global Settings.
    • Social Workers can now be individually removed excluded from any dropdown in which they appear: this toggle can be found under Settings > User.
    • The message that is copied into a student’s Contact Log can now be customized from Settings > Global Settings.

Version 1.2 - 03/18/2020

  • Updated All Dashboards to Include Filtering Templates
  • Added an Archive Option for Activities Dashboard
  • Added a Transfer Portal for Admins to Change Social Worker on Referral Dashboard
  • Updated Social Worker Overview Report to Include the Following:
    • Added an * to Denote the Primary Referral Reason
    • Added a Column to Denote Primary Social Worker or Alternate Social Worker
    • Added a Column for Modified Date
  • Updated Custom Settings
    • Add an Option Count All Referral Reasons or Only Primary Referral Reasons for State Reporting
    • Added an Option to Send Emails/Process Alerts When New Feedback is Submitted
    • Added an Option to Make Referred by and Relationship Fields Required

Version 1.1 - 07/10/2019

  • Updated Custom Settings
    • Added option on global settings to turn on/off field for additional staff on referral (by default this is set to on)
    • Added ability to customize drop list for additional staff by selecting the SWARM checkbox on the district assignment tab
  • Updated Referral
    • Added option to prevent a user from creating a referral if a social worker is not assigned to the school
    • Added prefix and apartment number to student demographics
  • Updated Case Notes
    • Added field to identify the person who created the case note
  • Update Feedback
    • Added field to identify the person who created the feedback
  • Updated Records Request Report
    • New PDF format
    • Added option to include student demographics, unconverted concerns and activities on report
    • Additional fields including all referral reasons, social worker, alternate social worker and additional staff
  • Updated Social Worker Overview Report
    • Displays totals only for the individual social worker unless the user has admin tool rights in SWARM
    • No longer displays additional staff in the social worker drop list
  • Added descriptions to all reports
  • Improved load time on activity dashboard
  • Removed old Social Worker outline links

Version 1.0 - 02/18/2019

  • Updated Activity Dashboard
  • Updated Concern Dashboard
  • Updated Referral Dashboard
  • New Referral Page
    • Additional Student Demographics on Referral including Student Picture
    • New Option to Add Additional Staff on Referral
    • Email Notifications
    • Ability to Transfer Referrals for In-District School Transfers
  • Updated Settings Page
    • Ability to Customize District Instructions
    • Ability to Customize Global Settings
    • Ability to Customize Dashboard View
  • Updated Reports including Records Request
  • Stability Improvements

If you have additional questions, please contact us:
By Email:
By Phone: (706) 520-1125
A representative from our support team will respond to you as soon as possible.